As a general picture March 2018 seems to be a very dynamic and intense month, not only in terms of planetary movements, but in terms of aspects, too. First of all, we start the month with a cocktail of deep thoughts, profound emotions, love, attachment, dreams and complex ideas about the near future. Many planets are in the water elements, and also, in a mutable modes. As a result, there seems to be a lot of flexibility and adaptability to new circumstances.

In contrast, Air element is missing in the first days of the month, suggesting that it may not be easy to create or invent things, to have easy progression based on mental activities. Additional to this intense energy, on March 1st (GTM) or March 2nd (USA time) there is a Full Moon (11˚23” Virgo). This energy concentrated at the beginning of month could determine us to analyze the current situations, to be efficient and see reality from a practical angle.

On March 6th Mercury enters in Aries, a time when you could start having risky thoughts and ideas. You could have courage to deal and negotiate with others in a very direct manner. Moreover, you could feel rushed in terms of unfolding intellectual things, including contracts and legal papers. In this sense, it’s suggested to do any paperwork or to purchase any electronic device if you have to, before March 23rd. Mercury will turn retrograde on March 23rd (16˚53.5”Aries) and it will stay this way until April 15th (4˚ 46.7” Aries). During this time frame we could notice some delay, difficulty in terms of communication, writing, information, network, transportations and tickets. For instance, you could miss some important details in your paperwork, error that could force you to reevaluate it later on. So it may require more intellectual attention than usually. It’s indicated to do any type of agreement before March 23rd, even a computer backup, to ensure you will not lose your documents, in case you will delete by mistake an existing one.

Than, one of the very important days of the month is March 9th because Jupiter goes retrograde (23˚13.4’ Scorpio). It will stay retrograde until July 10th (13˚20.7”Scorpio). Jupiter expands whatever is in its reach, is generous, wise, teacher, it prepares us how to believe in something supreme and how to get close with other dimensions (like God). So, under its influence we have the opportunity to expand our vision, exaggerate, and comprehend the life from a very wise point. However, when Jupiter is retrograde, we have to go back and work with old issues. Actually, we have the second change to reevaluate a particular situation, in order to fully access our benefices, or in order to expand our further opportunities.

Additionally, Jupiter retrograde can bring a sense of restlessness and the desire to expose us again to an old experience. Fore instance, some people from our past could reach to us. Together we could unfold a particular situation that was premature closed and perhaps unresolved. Another example could be that if you have for instance Jupiter retrograde transiting through your 6th house, you could have temptation to go back to your previous job, or you could have to pay attention to your health, diet; you may reconnect with old colleagues. Hence, there seems to be a reason behind these coincidences.

As an important clue, last time when Jupiter transited these degrees where 12 years ago, in 2006. Think back, and see if you remember some important movement, decision that you made at that time! That life zone could be activated again and you may have an opportunity to update and to grow that area of your life.

On March 17th there is a New Moon in Pisces (26˚53”). This will be a very interesting New Moon. First of all, the Moon represents our emotional responses based on past experiences. Secondly, Pisces sign is the last sign from the horoscope, closing one big cycle while opening up our inner happiness and imagination. So, this New Moon may emphasize a very active internal world of feelings and sensitivity; trust and mystic awareness. Hence, in the following 28 days we could become idealistic, compassionate and receptive, perhaps wishing to be deeply connected with others and with many aspects of life. In other words, this New Moon is an invitation to see the complete picture of humanity and everything what is relating with trust, beliefs and inner happiness.

On March 18th Mars enters in Capricorn, it is in exaltation, which means that Mars will function powerfully without resistance or restrictions. However, Capricorn is the sign of recognition, authority figure, discipline and rules. So, symbolically Mars energy will drive towards these senses. Moreover, at the end of the month, Mars will approach to Saturn, by conjunction. Mars will be in a perfect conjunction with Saturn on April 2nd and also it will be in a perfect conjunction with Pluto on April 26th. These days of April could be very intense and powerful days. Mars in connection with Saturn and especially with Pluto could amplify cold energy, dark and violent actions, disruption, violent separation (Last time when Mars was in a perfect conjunction with Pluto was Oct 19th 2016).

At the end of the month, on March 31st there is another Full Moon (10˚45” Libra). Also, on March 31st Venus enters in Taurus. This day could be the symbol of beauty, refinement, resistance and balance. Nevertheless, this day may offer us a good amount of energy that could balance well our inner feelings, emotions and needs. Our impulse could drive us towards either giving or receiving support.

Despite all above, during March 2018 there are a lot of aspects that need to be carefully analyzed. These following days of March could be challenging: March 4th, March 11th, March 13rd, March 14th, March 23rd, March 24th even March 29th, likely requiring extra work. Depending on my availability I will try to follow up on these aspects as well.



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