General Aspects Of TheSeptember 16th 2016 Lunar Eclipse
A Lunar Eclipse will occur on September 16 2016 at 24˚20” Pisces.
This Lunar Eclipse is type A, which makes it a Penumbral Eclipse, where the Moon enters only the penumbra of the Earth.
In this article I will briefly analyze the astrological influences of this event. However, before going into details, I will point some generalities about Lunar Eclipse and then about the Pisces sign, where this Lunar eclipse will fall, in order for you to understand what you can expect during the Lunar Eclipse.
First of all, Eclipses repeat in nearly the exact degree and sign every nineteen years. Usually, during one year we have 4 Eclipses, which will fall in the same degree, sign, and exact day as those that came nineteen years earlier. Do you remember what you did 19 years ago, on this exact month, and day? I mean do you remember what you did on September 16 1997? This could be the time for a similar event to occur, even if it will appear in a different form. It will likely fall in the same aria of your life, and it will have similar meanings, but of a different emotional level.
Also, during the Lunar Eclipse you may feel that the life moves fast and you may like to act promptly, to accelerate things. This may be because you feel suffocated and not have enough time. Also, you may have a tendency to dramatize your circumstances or the situation you are in. Then, you may not keep things inside, even though you planned to do so. You may be tempted to reveal a secret relating to the subject or area of life, influenced by where this Lunar Eclipse will fall in your natal chart.
Like a Full Moon, a Lunar Eclipse usually is the end of an emotional full cycle. I will give you a simple example. Imagine a full glass of water. If it is full, then there is not way to add more water on, therefore in order to add extra water you may need to “pour out” some of it.
Then, A Lunar Eclipse usually is more intense then the Solar Eclipse, because the Lunation Cycle describes our emotional stage, our needs, our feelings, moods, natural and instinctual reactions, habits, daily rhythm, flux of change, roots. Actually, the Lunar Eclipse will activate our past, our interior, our subconscious, our dreams, perhaps determining us to become oversensitive, moody, even nostalgic, thinking far back in past.
The house where this Lunar Eclipse will fall will be a very important aria of your life during this time. Also, it will emphasize the aria from where your higher emotion comes; it will emphasize your needs, even your emotional security, what you need in order to feel protected.
Because it shows the completion, the end of one cycle, automatically it will link you to the beginning of one new cycle. It will show the zone where you will be emotional busy during the next 6 months. This emotion may come to you suddenly, and may affect you deeply, eventually reopening old feelings regarding something very significant for you.
In my view, symbolically speaking, the Lunar Eclipse will finish up something for us, something to which we are emotional attached, even if was nonsense, even if that “something” did not contribute in anyway to our life progress. I will call this “something” = “ bad habits”.
On the other hand, we could be stuck for a while in some emotional place, without enough self-control or power to give up, practically hesitating to conclude. Moreover, these emotions may show where we love others more then we love ourselves, where we are deeply dedicated. Even if “this” means a job, journey, some relationship, some habits, etc. The Lunar Eclipse will finish it for us, in a sudden way, leaving us free, or make up space in our emotions to be able to link to the opportunity, which Solar Eclipse shows new beginnings.
In a very positive way the Lunar Eclipse may show fruitions, something you have been working on and now is the time to collect your results, your fruits.
Where in your natal chart do you have 24 degrees Pisces? Pay attention to that house; that it will be a very important area of your life during this time and for next six months.
Nevertheless, it may show the area from where the intensity comes, and in the same way it will show the exit, where your emotions will have a culmination point, followed by feeling relief. Practically, the Lunar Eclipse releases and put us free in a different way, leave us open which the possibility to see a new light, a new way of living
Let’s mention some general points about the Moon. Moon travels very fast through the horoscope in about 29.5 days, passing sign by sign while collecting emotions of all sorts, from everywhere, moreover determining us to save them all into our subconscious. In some abstract way, we can say that the Lunar Eclipse re-evaluates our dreams, our inner base, our subconscious, what we will keep for our needs in the future, and what we will eliminate it.
In a negative way we may become nostalgic, oversensitive, moody, because the intensity of emotion it will be not very easy to eliminate, and this process will take a time, keeping us busy for the next six months.
Then, I will mention some generalities about the Pisces sign, to understand what type of emotion this Lunar Eclipse it may bring, and what symbolically the Universe wants from us.
Pisces sign is the last sign from the horoscope, practically closes the horoscope, and closes one full cycle. Pisces being the last sign is the most patience one, showing high compassion, high tolerance, being receptive, imaginative. Pisces sign is associated to psychic capabilities, too. As a result, some of you-especially those who are born, or have the ascendant in Pisces sign may have clear dreams during this time, a psychic ability. Then, Pisces is a water sign, which has mutable modality and yin energy. Pisces sign is described as a very active internal world of feeling and sensitivity, with a need to find psychic space in which to recharge the batteries.
Pisces likes to serve others, and like to be useful. They are spiritual in they own way, and they are connected to the Universe by dreaming, or having big dreams, having imagination, hoping to create a little magic with which to escape the limitations of life.
Then, Jupiter and Neptune rule the Pisces sign. Both planets have a connection with faith and belief, and they emphasize this orientation in Pisces. The search for God and for a spiritual identity is more obvious with Jupiter, but Neptune also calls Pisces to look deep within to find reality.
On the other hand, Jupiter tends to expand our personal view about life, while Neptune wants from us to see things in a big picture, and to be part of it, eventually to contribute positively to the World, to have common sense, and don’t be separated from the group.
Additionally, this Lunar Eclipse will not affect everyone in the same manner. First of all, it will be deeply felt by those who have a natal planet in a very close degree to the one where this lunar eclipse will fall. Check where, in what house do you have the 24 Degrees Pisces? Then look around in this area of your chart to see if you have any natal planets in a major aspect, but not more then 1˚3′ orb.
As result, how deeply emotional will affect each of us depends of each personal natal chart. I always suggest checking your Ascendant sign. It will help you to understand yourself and the way you see the world.
For those of you with the ascendant in Aries this Lunar Eclipse will fall in the 12 th house, associated with your place of escape, your secrets, thoughts that you keep just for your self.
Over the time you may have accumulated and tolerated some emotions, intense feelings, even frustrations, coming from the outside world. Also, you could have experienced in last period of time some separation, fear, restrictions. These may have came from a foreign country, higher education, research or law, and perhaps you retired for a while to a quiet place where you feel protected. Also you may have some responsibilities regarding your higher education, or regarding long distance travel. Now you may want to control your reality, your involvement. Saturn is transiting your 9th house.
However it has been lesson for you; this could be the time when you will be tempted to eliminate all the interior pressure accumulated in time. Moreover, you may want to reveal your secrets and suddenly you may want to incorporate something new in your everyday routine. Additionally, you will have that wish to exchange your daily habits, even if you just want want to do some daily exercise routine, have a new diet program or any activity that may improve your health. The Universe shows that you have many opportunities to do something new day-by-day, to get a new job, to involve yourself in something practical and realistic.
Additionally, for those of you who have health issues, eventually hospitalization, this time could be the end of the hospitalization, and move forward with life, because the Solar Eclipse will highlight a new beginning, diet program, prescription or new perspective for your life in order for you to vitalize your body, to get realistic results, and to leave a healthy life. You will analyze very critical every possibility in this direction. As a clue, do you remember what you did 19 years ago? Do you remember some important aspect of your life, which took place around September 1997?
To conclude, your focus for next six months will be in association to your 12th house, where the Lunar Eclipse will fall, and also to your 6th house where your Solar Eclipse falls.
For those of you with the Ascendant in Taurus the Lunar Eclipse will fall in your 11th house, the house of your relationship to groups, of your big dreams in association to others, common ideals; it is the house of your social cycle.
Over the time you may have spent a long time being receptive to your group, your social cycle. Also, you may show maturity, compassion, faith and devotion to others. Perhaps, you are impressed by other’s sensitivity and dedication.
However, over the time you may have tolerated some intense feelings, having emotional concern which may came to you from your social cycle, from some trusted friends. It seems like you have a strong connection to a large group of people from all over the world, or from different cultures. In your way, they all mean something to you, and you always find time to listen to them. Also, you seem to have a lot of patience, showing kindness and offer your support when they needed you. Maybe you could inspire them in some way, or perhaps they inspired you with their stories. However, this Lunar Eclipse may bring some relationship endings. You could better understand who is a trusted friend and who is not.
On a positive side you may conclude around this time some misunderstood information regarding an associate or person you share common dreams with. Moreover, this could be the time when you finish some common project, and this Lunar Eclipse it will emphasize the zone you will have to collect your result from.
On the other hand, you may have experienced in last period of time some separation, fear, restriction, which may come from a hidden relationship, common resource, heritage, divorce, and perhaps you have found support in your social cycle. Also, you could have some responsibility towards old people.
Now, you may feel some intense pressure and feel uneasy about whether the time spent with some of your friends was worth it or not. However, it has been a lesson for you, this being the time when you may have the temptation to eliminate all the interior pressure.
Now it’s the time to focus on your personal creation, to improve your self-expression. If the Lunar Eclipse may close one door for you, the Solar Eclipse will highlight a new perspective, a new personal project.
As a result, you will have the wish to eliminate bad habits, even if you simple want to relax in your free time and not talk to unimportant friends or spend time in nonsense. The Universe shows that you have a lot of opportunities to show your creativity, to give birth to something practical and realistic. As a clue, do you remember what you did 19 years ago? Do you remember some important aspect of your life, which took place around September 1997?
To conclude, your focus for next six months will be in association to your 11th house, where the Lunar Eclipse will fall, and also to your 5th house where your Solar Eclipse falls.
So, for those of you with the Ascendant in Gemini, the Lunar Eclipse will fall in your 10th house, associated with your public figure, your social reputation, your career, your profession, your parents (mother).
Over the time you may have spent a long time accumulating and tolerating some emotions, intense feelings regarding your career or your professional life. Perhaps, you may not have been fully satisfied with your career, but you kept it because you like to be of social service, to dedicate and serve others.
On the other hand, you could experience in last period of time some distance, fear, restrictions, limitations regarding your relationship, even if is about your life partner or your business partner. Also, you could have some responsibilities, hard work to do in association to your partner. Now, it can be the time when you may want to control your reality, respecting some life principles, separate and achieve your duties, in order for you to have a respectful role in your partner eyes, or even to have a superior form of relationship, marriage, and not to have a separation.
However, it has been a lesson for you, this being the time when you may have the temptation to eliminate the interior pressure accumulated in time from the outside world, from your public life, career.
Additionally, the Solar Eclipse will highlight a new beginning, major changes at home, and new perspectives for your life in order for you to have peace and harmony at home, get realistic results and to leave a happy life. You will analyze very critically every possibility in this direction. As a clue, do you remember what you did 19 years ago? Do you remember some important aspect of your life, which took place around September 1997?
To conclude, your focus for next six months will be in association to your 10th house, where the Lunar Eclipse will fall, and also to your 4th house where your Solar Eclipse falls.
For those of you with the Ascendant in Cancer, this Lunar Eclipse will fall in your 9th house, associated with your faith, your higher education, long distance travel, foreign country, law, your philosophy about the world, publication, research, politics. This time may represent the ending of one long journey, a finalization of your book or the conclusion of your research.
Over the time you may have spent a long time accumulating and tolerating some emotions, intense feelings, pressure, regarding your higher education, research, foreign country, or anything regarding to long distance travel, learning process.
On the other hand, you could experience in last period of time some stress, distance, fear, restriction, limitation, regarding your everyday routine, job, co-workers. Also, you could have intense responsibility, hard work to do to daily.
This Lunar Eclipse may activate your instincts and your needs; you may have natural reactions to everything you came in contact with, emphasizing what you like, or what you don’t.
On the other hand, it will show the time when you may want to control your reality, organize your priorities, respecting some routine, organize your daily schedule, in order for you to have a full day with superior results. This because Saturn is transiting your 6th house.
However, it has been a lesson for you, this being the time when you may be tempted to eliminate all the interior pressure accumulated even from your higher learning or even from your coworkers, boss, or everyday routine. Also, this could be the culmination moment, when your attachment reached a very high point and you may want to break free.
Additionally, the Solar Eclipse will highlight a new beginning for you, it will bring a major change in the way you communicate and the way you receive information, even may bring a new method of learning or expressing your thoughts. As a clue, do you remember what you did 19 years ago? Do you remember some important aspect of your life, which took place around September 1997?
To conclude, your focus for next six months will be in association to your 9th house, where the Lunar Eclipse will fall, and also to your 3rd house where your Solar Eclipse falls.
For those of you with the Ascendant in Leo, this Lunar Eclipse will fall in your 8th house, associated with your common resources, money making in connection to others, or the way you make money for others, hidden relationships, corporations, taxes, and government.
This time may represent the ending of one of your financial sources, or you may decide not be available to work in connection to some. Also, you may complete some common project and this could be the time when you will collect all the financial results, or you may get promoted, even having salary rise.
However, it seems that you have spent a long time accumulating and tolerating some distress, intense feelings, pressure regarding your hidden relationship, common resources, common growth. Maybe you feel that they don’t pay you enough for your services, but you kept doing because you like what to do.
On the other hand, you could experience some stress, frustration, because you don’t have enough time for yourself, for your leisure, for your creation, for your children. Also, you could experience some distance, fear, restrictions, limitations, regarding your lover or your children. You also may experience some intense responsibility in connection to them. Saturn transiting your 5th house.
This Lunar Eclipse may activate deep secrets, dreams, and you may feel the temptation to break it out. You will perceive what there is under the course of making money for others and not have time for your own needs. Practically, it will show the time when you may want to control your reality, organize your priorities.
However, it all has been a lesson to you, this being the time when you may feel tempted to eliminate all the interior pressure accumulated in time.
The Solar Eclipse will highlight a new beginning for you, major changes in your personal growth. It will show possibilities how to increase your personal income.
It will show a new perspective for your life in order for you to have financial satisfaction, to get realistic results. You may like to analyze very critically every possibility in this way. As a clue, do you remember what you did 19 years ago? Do you remember some important aspect of your life, which took place around September 1997?
To conclude, your focus for next six months will be in association to your 8th house, where the Lunar Eclipse will fall, and also to your 2nd house where your Solar Eclipse falls.
For those of you with the Ascendant in Virgo, this Lunar Eclipse will fall in your 7th house, associated to your open relationships, marriage, life partner or business partner, associate.
Over the time you may have tolerated some intense feelings, having deep emotional concern, which possibly came to you from your life partner (husband, wife) or your business partner. Also, you seem to have a lot of patience to him/her, showing kindness and offering your support, your affection. However, this Lunar Eclipse may signal the ending of some bad habits, things that you did for others and perhaps you ignored yourself. Also, this could be a culmination time, when your attachment reached a very high point and you may want to break free.
On a positive side you could conclude some misunderstood information regarding your associate or person to whom you have made some contract, or you may have some business with. Moreover, this could be the time when you finished some common project, and the Eclipse it will emphasize the zone from where you will have to collect your results.
On the other hand, you could experience in last period of time some fear, even frustration, restrictions, which may come from your parental home, your family. On the other way, you could have some responsibility to old people, structuring things. Saturn transits your 4th house.
Now, you may realize the intense pressure and not sure it was worth it, and for this reason you may want to control your reality. However, it has been a lesson for you, this being the time when you may have the have temptation to act promptly. This means that you can have impulsive reactions, responding based on your mood, to eliminate all the interior pressure accumulated.
During this time you may want to focus on yourself, to start re-inventing, to pay attention to personal needs and go forward with major changes. If the Lunar Eclipse may close one door for you, the Solar Eclipse will highlight a new perspective, a new beginning.
As result, you will have the wish to eliminate bad habits, unhealthy affection and ultimately start a new way of life, a new way of see things and life in general. The Universe shows that, you have an opportunity to move forward to get realistic results. You may like to analyze very critically every possibility in this way. As a clue, do you remember what you did 19 years ago? Do you remember some important aspect of your life, which took place around September 1997?
To conclude, your focus for next six months will be in association to your 7th house, where the Lunar Eclipse will fall, and also to your 1st house where your Solar Eclipse falls.
For those of you that have the Ascendant in Libra, this Lunar Eclipse will fall in your 6th house, associated to your everyday routine, job, coworkers, health, pets if you have one.
Over the time you may have tolerated some intense feelings, having deep emotional concern coming from your daily life, work place, coworkers or health. Also, you may feel that you are not well understood by people to who you interacted daily, or maybe those you serve daily do not appreciate you. Perhaps you don’t like your job anymore, or maybe you like your job, but you don’t like the work environment. Then, maybe you like your daily routine, but you may have some health issue, which required some job break.
However, you seem to have enough tolerance, showing kindness and offering your support to your coworkers. This Lunar Eclipse may show the end of some bad habits, things that you did for others and ignored yourself. Maybe you have focused too much on your job and now is time for some relief. Also, this could be the culmination time, when your attachment reached very high point and you may want to break free.
On the positive level this could be the time when you finished some project at work and this will be the perfect time to collect your results, to get promoted, to have salary rise.
On the other hand, you could experience in last period of time some fear, even frustration, restriction, which may come from your close environment, siblings, brothers, sisters, grandparents, schoolmates, the way you communicate to them, the way you learn or accumulate knowledge. You could have some responsibility to do at school, some work to do regarding a short trip, or even you may have to re-structure things. Saturn transiting your 3rd house.
Now you may feel an intense pressure, which comes from the communication zone. It may be either the distance you may have in communication, or the control you got over others when you discuss a certain subject. For this reason you may want to control the way you talk to others. Nevertheless your may feel the need to control your reality.
However, it has been a lesson for you, as this Lunar Eclipse will emphasize the time when you will be tempted to eliminate all the interior pressure accumulated at work, or regarding your daily routine.
Now, it’s the time to focus on your escape zone, to start investigating your mystery life or a skill you have kept secret, eventually to pay attention to the dream you will have. As a clue, do you remember what you did 19 years ago? Do you remember some important aspect of your life, which took place around September 1997?
If the Lunar Eclipse may shows some endings, the Solar Eclipse will highlight a new perspective, out of others curiosity.
As result, you will have that wish to eliminate bad habits, unhealthy affection and ultimately focus to your subconscious, to your soul, to your connection to the Universe, to God if you believe in. The Universe shows that, you have an opportunity to move forward to get realistic results and satisfaction. You will analyze very critically every possibility in this way.
To conclude, your focus for next six months will be in association to your 6th house, where the Lunar Eclipse will fall, and also to your 12th house where your Solar Eclipse falls.
For those of you that have the Ascendant in Scorpio, this Lunar Eclipse will fall in your 5th house, associated with romance, lover, relationship, self-expression, children, creation, pleasure, how you spend your free time, it will describe your hobbies.
During this time you may feel an intense interior pressure, and I will explain why.
First of all, during this time you may deal some financial situation, which may limit you to increase your income, or to manifest you in the way you want. Saturn transited your 2nd house. Then, this Lunar Eclipse will fall in your 5th house, and symbolically it will determine you to look inside of your own abilities, and see what can you do in order for you to express yourself, to be completely satisfied with yourself.
On a positive level you may have worked alone in your free time to some project, and this could be the time to complete your dream, and be ready to collect your fruits.
On the other hand, you may spent a long time accumulating and tolerating some emotions, intense feelings, regarding your lover or children, the way you spend your time, the way you enjoy life. Perhaps, you may not have been fully satisfied and this is the time when you are full of it and ready to break free.
Then, as, I already mentioned, you could experience in last period of time some distance, fear, restriction, limitation, regarding your financial status, money, and personal growth. Also, you could have some responsibility perhaps you need more money to cover your bills.
This Lunar Eclipse may be the time when you may want to straighten out your financial zone, eventually organizing your priorities, eliminate unnecessary expenses, take control of your reality, and eventually eliminate some bad habits, even if this shows spending your precious time in unproductive way.
However it has been a lesson for you, this being the time when you may be tempted to eliminate all of your bad habits and all the interior pressure accumulated in time, regarding your lovers, romance, children, the time you spend to your own children, self-expression.
The Universe shows that you have an opportunity to move forward to get realistic results and satisfaction. You will have an opportunity to integrate you in new social circles, eventually to have a new group project, group dreams, and ideals. You may want to analyze very critically every possibility in this way. As a clue, do you remember what you did 19 years ago? Do you remember some important aspect of your life, which took place around September 1997?
To conclude, your focus for next six months will be in association to your 5th house, where the Lunar Eclipse will fall, and also to your 11th house where your Solar Eclipse falls.
For those of you with the Ascendant in Sagittarius, this Lunar Eclipse will fall in your 4th house, associated with your family, home, your soul-base, your parents.
During this time you may feel a combination of interior pressures, and I will explain why.
First of all, during this time you may feel some personal fears, restrictions, which may limit you to start a new journey. Perhaps you are conservative, much mature in your own way, and you couldn’t see yourself as part of the big picture, as part of this big world. Also, you could have cold attitude regarding new ways of starting things, refusing for different reasons, and this could be the cause of stagnation, separation, and isolation. Furthermore, you could be unhappy with yourself. Saturn transited your 1nd house.
Then, this Lunar Eclipse will fall in your 4th house, and symbolically it will determine you to look inside of your own home, family, your parent (especially your father) your own soul, and deeply analyze every emotion, attachment, dreams you have for your family, or with your family. Also, what kind of house you dream at? Is your family the family you always dreamed of? Is your house the house you always wanted?
Furthermore, you may have spent a long time accumulating and tolerating some emotions, intense feelings, regarding your home, parental home, your family, life principles. Perhaps, you may not have been fully satisfied and this is the time when you are full of it and ready to break free.
On a positive level, this could be the time when you and your family may complete some plan and you are ready to receive your fruits. Perhaps change your residence, move in a new house, in a new city, and change naturally the flux of your family life.
On the other hand, as I already mentioned, you may have experienced in last period of time some isolation, separation, fear, restrictions, limitations, regarding your own persona. Also, you could set up some restrictions for yourself, eventually give you a time frame for self improvement, to develop a better discipline, to organize your priorities, to start a new routine in order for you to have superior function and to extend your potential.
During this time you may want to structure your ideas, organize or plan your new beginnings, and eventually eliminate those unnecessary fears, and take control of your reality.
However, it has been a lesson for you, and the Lunar eclipse symbolically will emphasize your sensitive part, and perhaps you will be tempted to eliminate the interior pressure accumulated in time, regarding your own family, home, even your country if you live in a foreign country.
The Universe shows that you have an opportunity to move forward to get realistic results and satisfaction. You will have an opportunity to integrate you in a out-side world, eventually to have a new public status, to get a new job & career. You may want to analyze very critically every possibility in this way, eventually to pay attention to the dream you will have. As a clue, do you remember what you did 19 years ago? Do you remember some important aspect of your life, which took place around September 1997?
To conclude, your focus for next six months will be in association to your 4th house, where the Lunar Eclipse will fall, and also to your 10th house where your Solar Eclipse falls.
For those of you with the Ascendant in Capricorn, Lunar Eclipse will fall in your 3rd house, associated to your communication, education, close environment brothers, sisters, grandparent, cousins, short trip, speech, schoolmates.
During this time you may feel a combination of interior pressure and deep emotion.
First of all, you may have some secret fears, restrictions, which may limit you to be physically present in the outside world. Perhaps you escaped in same place to protect yourself, to separate yourself from the rest, or even to isolate to feel better about yourself, to reorganize your thoughts, to finish some duties you have. Also, you may have some deep secrets, things that you like to keep just for yourself, and this could be the reason why you may not like to be natural sociable, communicative, and as result you could become cold, or even become unsociable.
Also, you may have a cold attitude that unfolds daily in the outside world. Saturn transited your 12nd house, and symbolically may detach you from the rest.
Then, this Lunar Eclipse will fall in your 3th house, and symbolically it will determine you to feel deep emotions, pressure, even sensitivity regarding your siblings, brothers, sisters, school-match. You may realize how kind and tolerant you were to them over the time, always offering your support, listen to them when they needed you. Perhaps, you may not have been fully appreciated and this is the time when you are full of it, and ready to break out.
However, this Lunar Eclipse may bring some endings in this direction.
On a positive level, this could be the time when you may complete some studies, you may accumulate the knowledge you always want to have, and now is the time to fully enjoy your results.
On the other hand, as I already mentioned, you could experience in last period of time some isolation, separation, fear, restrictions, limitations, regarding your private zone, mystery. Also, you could set up some restrictions for yourself, eventually give you a frame time to organize your thoughts, to incorporate some discipline, even old rituals, in order for you to have superior view about the world, and move forward.
However it has been a lesson for you, this being the time when you will be tempted to eliminate the interior pressure accumulated in time, regarding your own environment, school-mates, heritage, siblings, grandparents.
The Universe shows that you have an opportunity to move forward to get realistic results and satisfaction. You will have a perspective in connection to foreign country, others cultures, long trip, even implicate yourself in some research, superior studding, symbolically to integrate you in a out-side world. You may want to analyze very critically every possibility in this way, eventually to pay attention to the dream you will have. As a clue, do you remember what you did 19 years ago? Do you remember some important aspect of your life, which took place around September 1997?
To conclude, your focus for next six months will be in association to your 3rd house, where the Lunar Eclipse will fall, and also to your 9th house where your Solar Eclipse falls.
For those of you with the Ascendant in Aquarius, this Lunar Eclipse will fall in your 2nd house, associated to your personal growth, financial resources, money, and material accumulation.
Maybe you have spent a good amount of time accumulating and tolerating some emotions, intense pressure regarding your financial situation, the way you gain and spend money, your personal growth, your material accumulation. Perhaps you may not have been fully satisfied with your income, the amount of money you made, but you kept doing what you do because you are social oriented and you like to work, even when working for others.
On the other hand, you may have experienced in last period of time some frustrations, restriction, limitations, regarding your social cycle, group of friends, people in which you trust, people you perhaps made plans or you have some commune ideals with. Also, you could feel that the things did not go so smooth, and you could have hard work to do, spend extra time. This is because Saturn is transiting your 11th house.
However, this Lunar Eclipse may bring an intense need to take control over your reality, respecting some life principles, organize your duties in order for you to have a superior form of existence.
However it has been a lesson for you, this being the time when you may be tempted to eliminate all the interior pressure accumulated in time regarding your income and the way you make money. Also, you may want to change something in this way, even to administrate carefully your resources.
The Solar Eclipse will highlight a new beginning, major changes, in association to others. You may have opportunity to make money in connection to others. You will analyze very critically every possibility in this way.
Additionally, perhaps because you are not satisfied to your personal income, you may link yourself to some association, to some group, in order for you to expand your potential, to make money in association to others. As a clue, do you remember what you did 19 years ago? Do you remember some important aspect of your life, which took place around September 1997?
To conclude, your focus for next six months will be in association to your 2nd house, where the Lunar Eclipse will fall, and also to your 8th house where your Solar Eclipse falls.
For those of you that have the Ascendant in Pisces, this Lunar Eclipse will fall in your 1st house, associated to yourself, your identity, your beginnings, your ideas, your way to see the world.
Maybe you have spent a long time accumulating some intense feelings, regarding your self-development, your body, your view, your life principles Perhaps, you may not have been fully satisfied, in the way you have started and developed things, in the way you see yourself, and the way you feel everything around, the movement of life in generally. Maybe you have offered to others more then you have offered to yourself, in others words, you may have neglected yourself. As result, this time may find you without vitality, without power. Some of you may feel your body weak. Additionally, you could accumulate a lot of pressure, emotion, which may change the natural flux of doing things.
On the other hand, you may have experienced in last period of time some fear, restrictions, limitations, separation, regarding your public status, your career, profession, and your vocation. Also, you seem to have hard work to do in this direction, heavy duties, even re-orientation, structuring your work in order to get superior result. Nevertheless, your mother can bring you some fear, extra responsibility, control, even separation. This because Saturn is transiting your 10th house.
This Lunar Eclipse may activate your deep feelings, perhaps it will determine you to feel intensely the need of resetting your way of being, the way you see things around, the way you feel, the way you start and develop things. This is a very important Eclipse for you Pisces. In same way, and for same of you it will bring major changes, break from old habits, detachment from your past and you will start a new life, with new principles.
The Solar Eclipse will highlight a new beginning, major changes regarding your partnership, life partner or business partner. It may bring someone new in your life. Pay attention, what people you will meet this time and what they will teach you, what they will bring to you! They may have an important message for you. You may want to analyze very critically every possibility in this way, eventually to pay attention to the dream you will have during this time. As a clue, do you remember what you did 19 years ago? Do you remember some important aspect of your life, which took place around September 1997?
To conclude, your focus for next six months will be in association to your 1st house, where the Lunar Eclipse will fall, and also to your 7th house where your Solar Eclipse falls.
