The Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024, emphasized Israel’s partnerships, legal relationships, and agreements with others. Foreign affairs may be disturbed and might cause trouble. Also, there can be internal tension regarding those who support the country for the next several months. This could provide important insights to help Israel prepare for significant changes ahead.
On the other hand, this eclipse occurred in Aries, a Cardinal fire sign. An Eclipse in a Fire sign is said to excite men’s minds and produce sensational public events, disturbances, disputes, and dangers of war.
Moreover, in May 2024, Uranus will pass over Israel’s natal Sun in Taurus, particularly impactful from May 12th to May 29th. Symbolically, Sun is associated to the identity of the country, the leader of the country. This transit falls over Israel’s 8th house, a house that is associated with sudden and unexpected news. The first peak will be on May 22nd, followed by a gradual separation from Israel’s chart. Political discussion may deal with any of these symbols associated with the 8th house.
In December 2024, Uranus will be in retrograde motion and reconnect again with Israel’s natal Sun. Anything left undone or done incorrectly in May 2024 might have an opportunity to be fixed from December 2024 through March 2025.
Uranus symbolizes those in power and authority within a country. According to many astrologers, Uranus can represent the head of state.