This year, before the USA election, an annular solar eclipse will occur in the sign of Libra at 10˚04″ on October 2nd, 2024 (GMT). The effects of the eclipse typically last for several months, and the results may become evident in the following months, sometimes extending until the next solar eclipse. The influence of the eclipse can vary significantly from person to person, depending on factors such as the natal planets or points that are activated.

I’d like to note that eclipses repeat in nearly the exact degree and sign approximately every nineteen years. We experienced a similar solar eclipse in Libra at 10˚19” on October 2nd, 2005.

I was looking online to see if any significant events occurred in 2005 in the lives of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. I did not find any major events for Donald Trump that year. However, Kamala Harris made history in 2005 by becoming California’s first African American female District Attorney.

Will this solar eclipse have a greater impact on Kamala Harris than on Donald Trump? It seems likely. She could potentially become the first African American female President of the United States. Although the same solar eclipse occurred in 2005, it was in a different planetary configuration. Therefore, both natal charts need to be examined. 

The Solar Eclipse – Libra at 10˚04″ – October 2nd, 2024

The solar eclipse falls in Harris’s 4th house, highlighting her popularity within her country, particularly among women.

The solar eclipse falls in Trump’s 2nd house, between his natal Neptune, Jupiter, and Chiron, activating all three. Neptune is associated with large groups of people, dreams, and spirituality, while Jupiter represents benefits and justice. Chiron, on the other hand, is linked to wounds and healing. Therefore, this eclipse will trigger these planets. Therefore,

Jupiter may significantly increase the number of his supporters. 

Additionally, we should consider the partial lunar eclipse on September 18th, 2024 (GMT) at 25˚41” in Pisces. Lunar eclipses typically conclude a 19-year cycle.

The Lunar Eclipse falls exactly over Harris’s 10th house (the cusp of the 10th house), exactly squaring her NN and ASC.

In Trump case, this lunar eclipse falls over his 7th house.

Of course, for a more thorough analysis, it will be important to consider the natal charts of both vice-presidential candidates. 

Additionally, during an eclipse, many of us may feel that life is moving quickly and that we must act promptly to keep up with changes. Eclipses often compel us to examine specific aspects of our lives more closely. 



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