Astrology Forecast for one year (Transits)
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Depending on my schedule I may or may not be able to offer my services in the time frame requested. The birth information necessary is contingent on the service you order. All personal information provided is being kept confidential as per our privacy policy.
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This report will cover the main themes of the year ahead, as indicated by the planetary aspects, in connection to your natal chart. I am using graphic ephemeris as a tool to extract the major aspects of the year in questions. In this report, I will include the significant lunations and eclipse of the year, too. Also, I will include the day, month when you could be more exposed to the external dynamic. For better results, you should include a summary of your circumstances at the current time and the reasons why you are ordering the forecast report (curiosity or you want to change something in life). Hence, I can focus more on that area which presents more interest for you. It will contain about 3-5 pages.
Information required
Your name (first name or nickname / your gender)
Date of birth – please spell the date to avoid confusion with foreign dating systems, City and country of birth (examples: June 1st, 1980, New York, USA, 10:45 PM)
Time of birth and if this was AM or PM. Time of birth is crucial. However, if the time of birth is unknown, 12 Noon will be used, although for greater accuracy I will highly recommend the time of birth. If I use noon as an hour of reference, the information will be less accurate.
Please note that the waiting time is up to 10 business days for this report.